Proper document management is a legal necessity. For paper-intensive industries in particular, making the transition to a document management system (DMS) produces significant savings in terms of time, labor, paper, and other costs. Utilizing a secure, centralized system eliminates the inefficiencies of paper and streamlines workflows, bringing people, paper, and processes together.
Please explore each area in further depth below:
What is a document management system?
eliminating workflow inefficiencies
benefits of document management for business

What is a Document Management Solution?
Put simply, document management refers to the secure storage and tracking of electronic documents or electronic images of paper documents via an automated software solution. Document management is also frequently referred to as document management systems (DMS).
A robust DMS should be modular and highly searchable, following a file structure that makes the most logistical sense for your business. Think of it like a filing cabinet, or a library catalogue: often, replicating traditional ‘paper logic’ in digital form - while avoiding paper redundancies - presents the most intuitive way forward. Your particular business may get there any number of ways; the flexibility of your modular DMS platform is the ticket.
While many DMS began as on-premise systems, organizations quickly learned to reckon with the need for regular maintenance and frequent upgrades in order to run at optimal efficiency. The latest DMS offerings are cloud-based, offering speedy deployment, enhanced security, and minimal maintenance - key to remaining agile and competitive in today’s increasingly remote and hybrid environments.

Eliminating Workflow Inefficiencies
Did you know that the average organization spends approximately $20.00 in labor to file a paper document, $120.00 in searching for a misfiled document, and $220.00 to recreate a lost document? When we stand back and contemplate the sheer amount of paper consumed and discarded each day, the costs become untenable. The costs are more than meets the eye; lost and misfiled papers can also present significant liabilities, not to mention highly inefficient workflows.
Take accounts payable, for example. Traditionally, there are numerous manual steps in order, invoice, and payment processing, compounded by the size and structure of an organization. With so many manual steps involved, human error is a frequent if unwelcome occurrence. Even now with the adoption of digital invoicing and payments, records still become easily mismanaged, leading to delayed processing, double payments, unauthorized purchases, missing invoices…you get the idea. This is exactly where a document management system comes in.
Yet without proper change management, transitioning to even the most robust document management system out there can present significant inefficiencies, too. Why? The simplicity of scanning, dragging, and dropping files can lead to a poorly implemented, disorganized platform. That’s why involving every end-user, often your entire team, in the planning and implementation process is key. That’s also why our DMS is highly customizable and intuitive, right from the beginning. With our software product partner, Docuware, we offer the latest in cloud-based custom automated solutions for your HR, payments processing, sales, document archiving needs, and more. Together, we’ll ensure your team is ready for the transition to the cloud, making tasks lighter, less tedious, and more productive - whether from home, office, or wherever work gets done.

Benefits of Document Management for Businesses
Our document management software comes scalable and ready to implement ‘out of the box.’ Modular solutions are available for secure, access-restricted integration across departments and projects. With an intuitive and easy-to-use interface, you’ll see reduced training time and a high adoption rate, while end-users will enjoy streamlined processes and simplified search functions that let them get back to the work that matters most.
The specifics? Our document management software comes ready to use with KeyFree Indexing, our unique indexing attribute that allows for OCR-assisted data entry, as well as Data XChange for internal ODBC data updates. Data merging services are also available for ODBC and OLEDB type connections with external data sources. Both tools allow end-users to quickly and easily scan, index, and search documents - with reduced data entry requirements.
Our DMS not only scales up - it also scales out, enabling custom workflow automations, integrations, web form management, variable data printing, and more. Our partner software provides customizable options for a range of specific departmental needs, too. Whether your onboarding processes need to be streamlined, employee records need to be centralized, or your accounts payable department is looking to further automate processes, our document management software will free up your team resources to drive greater efficiency and increased profitability. Whether departmental or enterprise-class, we have the toolkit to customize a solution for you.
Learn more about the Benefits of Document Management for Businesses