Law firms, banks, hospitals, schools, corporations, utilities, and other organizations often have significant volumes of old documents stored on a variety of incompatible and outdated media—or they have a steady flow of business-critical documents that must be scanned, organized, and indexed in a secure environment. Rothwell Digital Imaging Services provides a cost-effective resource for organizations looking to efficiently manage large volumes of hardcopy documents.
What business issues does Digital Imaging Services address?
- Provides a cost-effective resource for scanning documents ranging from receipts to oversized CAD drawings to digitizing of roll film, microfiche, and aperture cards.
- Converts hardcopy documents and information residing on archaic media to digital files and stores them on the customer’s choice of new media.
- Assigns experienced project managers to every engagement to ensure timely and cost-effective completion of work.
- Ensures complete document security and project confidentiality through the use of audit trails, background checks, and a variety of logical and physical security systems.
- Provides customers with a choice of on-site or remote scanning in order to align with the organization’s operating procedures and security requirements.
What are the benefits of Digital Imaging Services?
- Enables your organization to outsource the labor-intensive—and often complex—the task of converting large volumes of hardcopy documents to digital files.
- Allows your organization to focus on core business activities, unburden internal resources and minimize headcount.
- Provides organizations with fast, easy access to documents and intellectual capital that can be used for innovation or customer service processes.
- Improves competitiveness and responsiveness to your clients’ needs.
- Provides a highly secure backup and recovery system in the event documents are destroyed or stolen.
- Provides an easy-to-search archive for audits and other compliance-related activities.
What types of Digital Imaging Services are available?
- Back-File and Day-Forward Scanning
- Microfilm, Microfiche and Aperture Card Scanning
- Legacy System Scanning and Conversions
- Media-to-Media Conversions
- Indexing and Post-Scan Processing